Recommended Books

Healthy Healing 14th Edition
One of my favorite reference books that offers clear solutions for the most common ailments, focusing on both supplementation, underlying causes, and lifestyle changes to heal problems. The inner pages are laid out horizontally.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing
If you would like to see what vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc., to take for common health problems, this book is an excellent A-to-Z reference. This is one of the first books I turn to when helping people who want to take supplements to improve their health.

7-Syndrome Healing
This book is not as easy to navigate as the first two reference books I've listed here, but the depth of the information is excellent if you have more time to read and want to find combinations of supplements to take for high cholesterol, the immune system, etc.

The Big Vitamin Dictionary
This handy little reference book is just 240 pages, but if you need a quick overview of the most common vitamins, aminos, and herbs, this should never leave your desk. I turned to this book numerous times when first starting in retail supplement industry.